Poisson Processes, Chapter 3

by John Kingman

PoissonPokemon Processes, Chapter 3 1

by John KingmanJohto Kingler


1. The Combat Power Multiplier (CPM)Monotonic Nonlinearities!

2. Combat PowerNavigating Pareto Frontiers!

3. Catching PokemonGeometric Series, Monte Carlo Simulations, and Poisson Processes!

1. Core Monotonic Nonlinearity: The CPM

We will start off both of the subsequent sections with this quantity!

In [89]:
import pandas as pangoro
cpm = pangoro.read_csv('cp_multiplier.txt', delimiter="\t")
cpm['$CPM^2$'] = cpm['CP Multiplier']**2
cpm['$CPM$'] = cpm['CP Multiplier']
cpm.plot('Level', '$CPM$', ax=plt.gca(), lw=3)
cpm.plot('Level', '$CPM^2$', ax=plt.gca(), lw=3)
plt.axvline(30, ls='--', color='black', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Pokémon Level')
plt.ylabel('CP Multiplier Quantity')
plt.title('The Combat Power Multiplier (CPM)')
plt.ylim(0, 1); plt.xlim(1, 40)
plt.xticks([1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40]); plt.show()

2. Pareto Frontiers in Pokémon Combat

2.1 How CPM is used in calculating Combat Power (CP)

$$ \begin{split} Atk &= (BaseAtk + IndividualAtk) * CPM^2 \\ Def &= (BaseDef + IndividualDef) * CPM^2 \\ Sta &= (BaseSta + IndividualSta) * CPM^2 \\ CP &= \mathtt{np.floor}\left(\frac{1}{10}\left(Atk * \sqrt{Def} * \sqrt{Sta}\right)\right) \end{split} $$

Let's visualize some of these statistics!

In [93]:
# Loading the dataset

dex = pangoro.read_json('pokedex.json')
dex = dex[~dex.name.str.contains('mega')]
dex = dex[~dex.name.str.contains('primal')]
dex = dex[~dex.name.str.contains('forme')]
dex = dex[~dex.name.str.contains(' ')]
dex['baseSta'] = dex.baseStm

dex['max_cp_at_lvl40'] = np.floor(
    0.1 *
    (dex.baseAtk+15) *
    np.sqrt(dex.baseDef+15) * 
    np.sqrt(dex.baseStm+15) * 
    cpm['CP Multiplier'].max()**2).astype(int)

dex['min_cp_at_lvl40'] = np.floor(
    0.1 *
    (dex.baseAtk+1) *
    np.sqrt(dex.baseDef+1) * 
    np.sqrt(dex.baseStm+1) * 
    cpm['CP Multiplier'].max()**2).astype(int)

max_cp = {}
for name, cp in dex[['name', 'max_cp_at_lvl40']].values:
  max_cp[name] = cp

dex['abs_cp_diff'] = dex['max_cp_at_lvl40'] - dex['min_cp_at_lvl40']
dex['pct_cp_diff'] = (dex['max_cp_at_lvl40'] - dex['min_cp_at_lvl40']) / dex['max_cp_at_lvl40']

2.2 Visualizing the Pidgeyotto Frogadier

2.2.1 Stats vs. other stats

In [103]:
featured_pokemon = ['chansey', 'blissey', 'lugia', 'slaking',
                    'shedinja', 'garchomp', 'kingler', 'cresselia',
                    'mewtwo', 'anorith', 'shuckle', 'salamence']

def compare(attr1, attr2):
  plt.scatter(dex[attr1], dex[attr2], edgecolors='black', alpha=0.75)
  on_front = get_pareto_frontier(np.array([dex[attr1], dex[attr2]]).T)
  on_front = on_front[on_front[:,0].argsort()]
  plt.plot(on_front[:,0], on_front[:,1], color='green', lw=3, alpha=0.5)
  for fp in featured_pokemon:
    x = dex[dex.name==fp][attr1].values[0]
    y = dex[dex.name==fp][attr2].values[0]
    plt.scatter(x, y, color='red', alpha=0.5, s=100)
    txt = plt.text(x, y, fp, ha='center', fontsize=12, fontweight='bold')
    txt.set_path_effects([PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='w')])
plt.subplot(131, title='Atk vs Def'); compare('baseAtk', 'baseDef')
plt.subplot(132, title='Atk vs Sta'); compare('baseAtk', 'baseSta')
plt.subplot(133, title='Def vs Sta'); compare('baseDef', 'baseSta')
plt.tight_layout(); plt.show()

2.2.2 Pokémon with lowest max CP

In [95]:
dex.sort_values('max_cp_at_lvl40')[['name', 'min_cp_at_lvl40', 'max_cp_at_lvl40', 'baseAtk', 'baseDef', 'baseSta']][:10]
name min_cp_at_lvl40 max_cp_at_lvl40 baseAtk baseDef baseSta
455 magikarp 161 274 29 85 85
235 feebas 161 274 29 85 85
42 azurill 230 364 36 71 137
329 happiny 215 371 25 77 225
776 sunkern 265 395 55 55 102
395 kricketot 266 401 45 74 114
715 shuckle 207 405 17 396 85
739 smeargle 284 431 40 83 146
377 kakuna 290 432 46 75 128
141 cosmog 293 432 54 57 125

2.2.3 Pokémon with highest max CP

In [96]:
dex.sort_values('max_cp_at_lvl40')[['name', 'min_cp_at_lvl40', 'max_cp_at_lvl40', 'baseAtk', 'baseDef', 'baseSta']][-10:][::-1]
name min_cp_at_lvl40 max_cp_at_lvl40 baseAtk baseDef baseSta
730 slaking 4796 5308 319 183 312
642 regigigas 4686 5182 315 231 242
498 mewtwo 4502 4995 330 200 235
399 kyogre 4432 4914 297 250 225
316 groudon 4432 4914 297 250 225
908 zekrom 4342 4820 302 232 225
647 reshiram 4342 4820 302 232 225
178 dialga 4342 4820 302 232 225
747 solgaleo 4341 4818 280 210 289
440 lunala 4341 4818 280 210 289

2.2.4 Pokémon with highest relative difference in max/min CP

In [97]:
dex.sort_values('pct_cp_diff')[['name', 'min_cp_at_lvl40', 'max_cp_at_lvl40', 'baseAtk', 'baseDef', 'baseSta']][-10:][::-1]
name min_cp_at_lvl40 max_cp_at_lvl40 baseAtk baseDef baseSta
715 shuckle 207 405 17 396 85
329 happiny 215 371 25 77 225
235 feebas 161 274 29 85 85
455 magikarp 161 274 29 85 85
42 azurill 230 364 36 71 137
474 marill 302 461 37 93 172
739 smeargle 284 431 40 83 146
395 kricketot 266 401 45 74 114
776 sunkern 265 395 55 55 102
377 kakuna 290 432 46 75 128

2.3 Max CP isn't the full story

In [106]:
from scipy.stats import pearsonr

tdo = pangoro.read_csv('tdo.csv')
tdo['NAME'] = [name.lower() for name in tdo['NAME']]
max_off_tdo = tdo.groupby('NAME')['OFF TDO'].max()
max_def_tdo = tdo.groupby('NAME')['DEF TDO'].max()
max_dps = tdo.groupby('NAME')['DPS'].max()

pokemon = set(dex['name']).intersection(set(tdo['NAME']))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,6))
for i, (max_tdo, tdo_type) in enumerate([(max_off_tdo, 'Offensive TDO'), (max_def_tdo, 'Defensive TDO'), (max_dps, 'DPS')]):
  cps = [max_cp[n] for n in pokemon]
  tdos = [max_tdo[n] for n in pokemon]
  on_front = get_pareto_frontier(np.array([cps, tdos]).T)
  on_front = on_front[on_front[:,0].argsort()]
  corr = pearsonr(cps, tdos)[0]
  plt.subplot(1,3,i+1, title=tdo_type+ ' vs Max CP ($\\rho$={:.2f})'.format(corr))
  plt.scatter(cps, tdos, edgecolors='black')
  plt.plot(on_front[:,0], on_front[:,1], color='green', lw=3, alpha=0.75)
  for n in featured_pokemon:
    plt.scatter(max_cp[n], max_tdo[n], color='red', alpha=0.5, s=100)
    txt = plt.text(max_cp[n], max_tdo[n], n, ha='center', fontsize=12, fontweight='bold')
    txt.set_path_effects([PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='w')])
  plt.xlabel('Max CP')


3 Towards Pokémon Poisson Processes

3.1 How CPM is used in calculating Catch Probability

$$ \begin{split} P(ThrowFails) &= \left(1 - \frac{BaseCatchRate}{2 * CPM}\right)^{Ball∗Curve∗Berry∗Throw∗Medal} \\ Ball &= \begin{cases} 2.0 & \text{ if } Ultra Ball \\ 1.5 & \text{ if } Great Ball \\ 1.0 & \text{ otherwise } \\ \end{cases} \\ Curve &= \begin{cases} 1.7 & \text{ if } Curveball \\ 1.0 & \text{ otherwise } \end{cases} \\ Berry &= \begin{cases} 2.5 & \text{ if } Golden Razz \\ 1.5 & \text{ if } Razz Berry, Silver Pinap \\ 1.0 & \text{ otherwise } \end{cases} \\ Throw &= \begin{cases} 2.0 - InnerRadius & \text{ if } WithinRadius \\ 1.0 & \text{ otherwise } \end{cases} \\ Medal &= \begin{cases} 1.3 & \text{ if } Gold \\ 1.2 & \text{ if } Silver \\ 1.1 & \text{ if } Bronze \\ 1.0 & \text{ otherwise } \end{cases} \\ \end{split} $$

Experimental data and p-values can been viewed at gamepress.

3.2 Catch probability over multiple throws

Note that rigorous experimental evidence has established that flee rate has no dependence on CP:

$$ P(PokemonFlees) = BaseFleeRate $$


$$\begin{split} P &\equiv 1 - P(ThrowFails),\\ F &\equiv BaseFleeRate, \end{split}$$ we can therefore write $$\begin{split} P(CatchEventually) &= P + P(1-P)(1-F) + P(1-P)^2(1-F)^2 + \cdots\\ &= P \sum_{i=0}^\infty ((1-P)(1-F))^i \\ &= P \left(\frac{1}{1 - ((1-P)(1-F))}\right) \\ &= \frac{P}{P+F-PF} \end{split}$$

Of course, $P$ is actually a random variable, because its value depends on the success of the throw. So this is not quite accurate. How can we analyze this?

3.3 Mankey luCario Simulation

The main issue is that we often miss the inner circle, which creates significant variance in the value of $P$ for each throw. We can simulate this process by assuming a Gaussian noise model in the $(x,y)$ location of our throw. Let us further assume that we always attempt to shoot a curveball when the circle is at one-quarter radius, but that sometimes we get our timing a little off (again with a Gaussian error).

This lets us write down the following generative process:

$$ \begin{split} Throw_x, Throw_y &\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2_{xy}) \\ InnerRadius &\sim \mathcal{N}(0.25, \sigma^2_{t}) \\ WithinRadius &= \mathcal{I}\left[\sqrt{Throw_x^2 + Throw_y^2} \leq InnerRadius\right]\\ Throw &= WithinRadius * (2 - InnerRadius) + (1 - WithinRadius) \end{split} $$

which we can plug back in to our original formula for $P$.

In [99]:
sigma_xy = 0.2   # our accuracy is pretty good
sigma_t = 0.2     # our timing might be off by 0.2
F = 0.1           # 10% flee rate
base_miss = 0.6   # 60% miss rate before throw applied

def sample_xyr():
  x = np.random.randn() * sigma_xy
  y = np.random.randn() * sigma_xy
  r = 0.25 + np.random.randn() * sigma_t
  if r > 1: r = r-1
  if r < 0: r = 1-abs(r)
  return x,y,r
def sample_throw():
  x,y,r = sample_xyr()
  return 2 - r if np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) <= r else 1
def sample_P():
  return 1-np.power(base_miss, sample_throw())
def sample_catch():
  while True:
    caught = (np.random.rand() < sample_P())
    if caught: return 1
    fled = np.random.rand() < F
    if fled: return 0
xyrs = [sample_xyr() for _ in range(1000)]
throws = [sample_throw() for _ in range(1000)]
probs = [sample_P() for _ in range(1000)]
catches = [sample_catch() for _ in range(1000)]
In [100]:
plt.subplot(141, title='Throws & Radii')
plt.scatter([x for x,y,r in xyrs], [y for x,y,r in xyrs], alpha=0.5, edgecolors='black')
plt.gca().add_artist(plt.Circle((0,0), 0.25, color='black', fill=False, ls='--', lw=3))
for x,y,r in xyrs[:100]:
  plt.gca().add_artist(plt.Circle((0,0), r, color=(0,0,0,0.1), fill=False, ls='--'))
plt.xlim(-1,1); plt.ylim(-1,1)
plt.subplot(142, title='Throw Multipliers')
plt.hist(throws, bins=15)
plt.subplot(143, title='Catch Probabilities')
plt.hist(probs, bins=8)
plt.subplot(144, title='Success/Failure')
plt.hist(catches, bins=2)
plt.xticks([0.25, 0.75], ['Pokémon\nFled', 'Eventually\nCaught'])

3.4 But Wait! What about Pokemon Attacks?

One thing we didn't factor into our Monte Carlo simulation is whether the Pokemon executes a Jump or Attack animation. When this happens, our throw fails.

Now, a failed throw in this case doesn't actually cause wild Pokémon to flee. However, this is a significant issue for Raid Bosses, because in those cases, we have a limited supply of Poké Balls.

It turns out that the time between Pokémon attacks is well-modeled by a Geometric distribution, the discrete analogue of an Exponential:

hey (source: gamepress)

3.5 But doesn't that mean...

Yes! That means Pokémon attacks are well-modeled by a Poisson process!

3.6 Live Poisson-Gamma Experiment!

Alright folks! We are going to attempt to model the rate at which different wild Pokémon have attack or jump animations.


  • wait for a particular wild Pokémon to appear
  • all tap on that Pokémon to enter the catch screen
  • set a timer
  • count the number of times the Pokémon jumps or attacks (track them separately)

Afterwards, we'll count up the number of jumps and attacks we observe in a fixed time interval (and subtract the length of the animations) to obtain data about the rate. Assuming a simple Gamma prior, we can update it to get a posterior estimate of the rate parameter (whose true value I know).

In [101]:
results = [
  (6, 7), # Weiwei
  (7, 6), # Javier
  (4, 3), # Ike
  (6, 7), # Melanie
  (5, 7), # Joe
  (3, 5)  # Andrew

# Assume prior of 1/6
prior_count = 1
prior_time = 6

posterior_count = (prior_count + sum(a+j for j,a in results))
posterior_time = (prior_time + sum([60-2*a-1*j for j,a in results]))

Statistics works!!

In [102]:
shape, rate = posterior_count, posterior_time
def pdf(x):
  return (rate**shape/gamma(shape)) * x**(shape-1) * np.exp(-1 * rate * x)

x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
y = [pdf(x_i) for x_i in x]
plt.title('Experimental results')
for i,(j,a) in enumerate(results):
  plt.axvline((a+j) / (60-2*a-1*j), alpha=0.25, ls='--', label=(None if i else 'Experimental data'))
plt.plot(x,y, lw=3, label='Posterior estimate')
plt.axvline(.2 / .77, color='black', ls='--', label='True value')
plt.xlabel('Possible value of rate parameter')
plt.ylabel('Probability density')

Conclusion: Pokémon Stop

Let's get back to work >_<